Hi....Im Helang merah...."smirks"
LANGKAWI trip yesterday...by spending with my family...i have been most places in Langkawi b4...It have been 10 years im not go holiday to langkawi...we went to Langkawi by an areoplane..(air asia ya)...ambil masa sekejap jak dlm 25 minit mcm tu....Ok fine...mmg banyak berubah sudah ya Langkawi ni... heheto many places lah..agak many lah juga...he3.. kami sewa kereta sana...hotel duduk pun "ok" jugalah...tp bikin PANAS..mula2 dpt wifi dlm bilik hotel..tapi 2nd time maw guna tiba2 jak tak boleh..mmg panas..huhuhh..so punahlah harapan maw download VD nanti hari Jumaat...tapi nasib baik ar ada wifi boleh beli..wifi malaysia nama dia "i ex wifi" beli rm 15 jak kat dlm hotel ada jual di kaunter..dia hanya ada di pulau langkawi and di sekitar pekan,Pahang dan jg Johor, KL.. rm 15 = 3 jam guna...he3...
tmpt menjadi kunjungan kami sana..pekan Kuah...the famous town in langkawi.. Jeti point...and disana kami beli BIG APPLE..hahah (ni first time mkn big apple ha3..sedap donut dia..aku suka yg ada buah-buahan and aiskrim atas donut tu..tp mahal gila..hu3..) , next go to Tanjung rhu...mmg banyak poko rhu sana...esoknya yg best...kami ke Cable car sana..jauh juga lah maw pegi..jln mcm nk pegi kaki gunung..huhuh..dlm dlm hutan...OMG! gila panjang cable car dia..Curam pula tu..LAGI CURAM gila dari Genting Highlands...huhuhuh...yg lawaknya...tiba2 cable car berhenti..di tgh2 kecuraman tu...huhuhhuuh...TAKUT GILAAA...tali kabel tu tiba2 kendur...goyang2 tiup angin hahaha...1 minit stop..then sikit2 jalan2..very2 slow moving..huhuh..siap nampak kapal terbang lagi di atas kepala...sama tinggi dgn kapal terbang nih...huhuhh.. aku yg tak gayat..tiba2 jadi gayat..plg fora fauna sekeliling...di atas sana...as usual cold as in Genting Highland...sky bridge aku malas mau pergi..sbb kena turun tangga kat bukit tu...jauh gila..malas ah nk jln... =P
ok next going to wildlife park and bird paradise...hah..ni tmpt plg ku suka ni...baru buka..1st time in asia...It was the most enjoyment there ... cuz there all about animals..especially there are lots of bird species there..its really2 likes a bird paradise..he3...mcm dlm hutan jak..flora and fauna buatan...ada yg dikurung ada yang dilepas bebas...agak best jglah...tapi dia lain sikit dari zoo..sbb kita boleh pegang binatang ni dan bg makan (utk binatang yg jinak lah) ..yg best ttg Wildlife nih....animalsnya banyak yg jinak2...boleh pegang juga binatang2 ni..tapi yg tak merbahaya ar.. tapi yg bestnya dpt pegang helang merah dan putih...helang ni jinak2 lah kat sini...tak bahaya..need to be careful....maybe kena patuk.. I was happy all day here,....Ok..petang tu pula..kami ke Pantai Chenang...this is pantai terbaik Di ASIA..huhhuuh..dia punya pasir mcm tepung..sangat2 putih and halus...best pula main2 pasir hahaha...mandi sana??? nope..im not swimmer person..berenang pun tak tau hahahahaa....xD main2 pasir pandailah..hahaha siap buat bukit pasir...lagi sikit maw siap istana pasir..muahaha..
Oh2 this is the best part here...we also get free meals all the time ahahaha...xD....thanks to my cousin there..they live in langkawi for many years...they have restaurants..omg plg mengorder makan2 kami nih best2 hahaha..mkn free lah katakan.. :-P so safe our budget there..ha3... ok...after eating 3 kali sehari yeap...haha.. besok time to OFF from here...huuhh...mlm tu...aku cepat2 maaw ke car parking...lps mkn mlm free kat kedai cousin ku....aku pi sorang2 ke kereta..hahah..plg online sana..huhuh..online dlm kereta...sbb nak download VD nih!! haaha sanggup...kan VD FINALE!! It a MUST!! gilaaa..mmg lewat sgt2 nih..suda sabtu malam ni... and im not Watching VD YET???!!...WTH!!...hahaha that comes on my mind...ok fine..main2 lah fb kejap ambil download VD....on2 skype..omg bole on ya dlm kereta..haaha...laju pula tu internet sini...tp semua mcm pissed jak skrg....ok fine.boring pula tiada org mau dikacau..hahahaha dahlah dlm kereta gelap..sunyi,,huhuh..takut juga..tp terpaksalah, sbb sini Signal wifi kuat kalu dlm hotel very2 low signal....ok ...lets story wht happen next....tiba2 ni bateri laptopku padam..
OMG!! VD!!!! arghhh...VD belom siap..sial!!...baru jak cas bateri..cpt pula habis..huhuh..so im rushing continue in my room in the hotel...huhuhh..connection is very poor there..tp Alhamduillah..VD dpt download..hahaha 25kb/s tu...jadilah..(sebelum tu 60kb/s) ..tunggu2 punya tunggu...SIAP..! time to watch VD...he3.. then goes to sleep....Ok off from langkawi at 2.45 pm.....reached Penang..at 3.15pm..END trip
(^_~) HERE ARE SOME OF THE PICTURES...gmbr buruk..guna hp..sbb my dad lupa bawa camera..hahahah :-PPANTAI CHENANG....
Chipmunks yg lapar
View Fro the top of Cable Car....
OMG!! banyaknya Tannga....malas mau jalan....huhuh
i can see whole Langkawi Island =)Stesen cable car langkawi
At 1st stesen...dia ada 2 stesen...
GEOPARK..near cable car... Nice place..=)
in Wildlife park..bird and animal paradise...
tgk dia ni tgn ku......huhuhh...takut juga dipatuk
giving food to the rabbits
good keldai.....
Bumped in pissed offf Merakk... hey we're in same mood Merak...!
burung merak melintas....
Burung Unta try to eat my hand..
giving DEER a grass to eat...
me in rent car...kepenatangoing back to hotel frm cable car...
Ok!!!/..next trip to SABAH...to be continued....~ after my exam...
currently im addicted with this Song...Poker face - Glee version (ep 20)...its kinda slow..but i like it!!!
Firstly..wanna say sorry if it is harsh for my last post...i know u all try to joke but i dont really in joke mood that time....so..i get pissed off easily....,, but now..Im kinda in Good Mood with inspiration..Yeah..(^_^) lets motivated....today start to STUDY...i know its still early..but early study can bring more time to revise..more and more if we forgot...heehehe
Ok..now im just want to write that..my song fav now is the song of GLEE.."Dont stop Believin" and "believe - dima bilan"..ok its all about believe words now..huhuhuh.... :-P of course it is..
so dont stop believin...i can do it my exam..(^_~)Y...
after searching inspirational quote...i found this andthere are several quotes i want to shared and i like these quote..very inspired me :-
- Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself by Theodore T. Hunger
- The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing that makes it happen.by Frank Loyd Wright
- Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving. by Dennis Waitley
- Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time!.by Josh Billings
- Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspirationand inspiration.by Evan Esar
- The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well. by Henry W. Longfellow
- To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first. by Shakespeare ( I LOVE THIS) (^_^)
- If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damn fool about it. W.C. Fields (huhuhu..jus like me though =P)
and last quote,,, There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you.David Burns, (^_^)
Wow...huhuh lama sudah tidak update blog...well i was busying with my final examination that were just over last week...huhuhh..what did i feel about it?? huhuhuh,,only god knows..it was a bit hard for me but at the last paper ...agak ok jugalah hehehe..hopefully all will be ok this semester and end up without repeat any of paper ANYMORE.....fuhhh ...BELIEVING!! (^_~)Y
Ok Fine...now is VAMPIRE DIARIES and GLEE mood in da House!! whoot whoot...!! hahahhaa.. well VD will be finished season 1 SOON... which is on this 13th May...n OMG guess what i've already booked flight from Penang to Langkawi on 13th too!!! I was totally FORGOT...huhuuhh...As a solution, I HAVE to BRING MY LAPTOP THERE..hahahhaaha...well this will bcome as a training for me b4 im going to sabah n bring LAPTOP there BECAUSE TO DOWNLOAD VD SEASAON FINALE episode..damn!!..hahahahahaa..nanti plg bermain2 internet sana and tak jalan2 pula...hihihiiihh...
Welll GLEE series....for me the story its a bit interesting but not interesting as VD IS!!..hahahahaha...what i like abt Glee is Their songs Version...Wow..it's sooo magnificent...wuhuhuhuhuhh...they sang the songss VERY2 Well and EACH episode..there will be a one THEME.. i cant wait for the LADY GAGA theme...huhuhuhh..It must BE An EPIC episode cuz...All Lady GAGA songs r AWESOME n i love it!!!!!!!!! the new one tht i noe is TELEPHOE songs ft Beyonce....how a GREAT RnB song it IS!! =)
Woooh... currently..i dun noe wht got into me but...suddenly, i REALLY2 love ROCK songs very much..MUAAHHAHAHAA.....it mayb bcuz of the VD influence and also some from my friends post rock songs also were contributed to it TOO!! wakakakaa yeahhh ROckin bebeH!!~ here's the link for that ROCKin' songs..
Undisclose desires - Muse
Enjoy the Silence -Amberlin
Brick by boring brick - Paramore
Decode - Paramore
Ignorance - Paramore
That's what you get - Paramore
All The Right Moves - One Republic
Secrets - OneRepublic
Love song - Anberlin
The Haunting - Anberlin
Wokey..done wif my ROCKing Songs for now..there r more..but thats r my FAV of all'em...hahahaa...Ok!! Now concentrate On my Holiday Season....Wow...Im planning to finish Eclipse and Breaking down ..but the most important is ECLIPSE since the Movie will be OUT this 30th of JUNE!!! ok laughs hahah im not finish YET all twilight saga Books..hahahhaahaa.... but it seems I dont have enuf time...cuz..This month and next month..its totally abt HOLIDAY haahahahah.... this 9th Mei...going to Shah Alam..13th Mei going to Langkawi Island ...Next month 21st June..going to sabah till 29th June...
Ok...my trip to SABAH is a substitute trip for my trip to Europe which has been canceled bcuz of the VOLCANO ASHES in ICELAND...!!! yaipsss... huarghhh...~(T.T)~ hmmm never mind..have plenty of time afta dis.... cheerrr up boyy...! Sabah pun sabah lah..hehe..lgpun ku blom penah jejak kai ke East cost of Malaysia Borneo kan....~
Ok...we had planning this (so long untill takes abt 2 days of planning) n finally.. only My father, my sis and I...(3 peoples are going there..huhhuuh) lagpun safe2 budget..wahahahhaa...
We're planning to go to KK first our flight will reach BORNEO (excited) on 1.40 pm....n stay one night there...then going to Labuan island...sleep there for abt day too...then go out back to KK..hahhaa.....n then..we planning to stay 2 nights AGAIN in KK...its kinda "pening" trip..muahaha...but hopefully it's FUN... =p Hmmm where to go in these 2 days...hahaha well... i'll plan it later but most importantly is 1Borneo mall..and mount Kinabalu!!..Or... u guys can tell me?? (sbb mesti bnyk budak sabah baca ni) hahahaahhhahahaa....!! 0k....after that...we're planning to FLY to Tawau...abt 12.20 pm and arrive there 1.40pm...Welll im hoping someone will fetch up us here..HAHAHAHA... then this is the best part..OMG...i hope my SENGAL cuzen is not there that time!! (plg berdoa) ...hahaha..habislah ku kalau dia still ada... Cuz my father want to meet his brother there..huhuhuh...arghh..hahahaaa..but ACTUALLY..If IN MY PLAN TO SABAH...Im PLANNING to go to SANDAKAN first b4 go to Tawau to watch SEPILOK...but...my DAD.. told me.."pusing2 semporna lama sikitlah...tgk Pantai sana cantik lgpun tak tau jalan sana sandakan.." ~ actually my dad not an animal lover WAHUAHAUAH.....huhuhuh.. so ikut ja lah...sambil menitis air mata tk dpt tgk hutan sepilok yg didiami urg utan... T^T ...
So budak sengal , we will stay at ur home more days lah nmpaknya.. MEET YOU HALF WAY there if u were there...hahahahaa...wish me im ALIVE .. hahahahahha... xD After all of this VACATION....hmmm now its time to go back To TENSION world..in UNIVERSITY..hahahaahahaha...wow..3rd year im now when opening this NEW semester...kinda old..but im look much more younger HAHAHAHA...xD
K....i've just Downloaded Vampire Diaries Series Books....All of Six books of them...huhuhuhuh....mcm lah ada masa nk baca semua..HAHAHAHA...takpa..just save it in my Comppy.. huhuhuh... will read them SOON....if i have time....!!
Finally just want to share a nice song to hear.. I'm addicted to this song NOW..Alicia Keys's song :-
This is Vampire Diaries Season Finale Photos.....very nice pic..looks like Stefan had managed to control the BLOOD HUNGER!! go2 team Stefelena!! haha

END of MY Celoteh STORIES....wakakakakkakaa............THE END

p/s paling ya animal lover si damon HAHAHAHAHA!! cant believe it he is an animal lover ya...wakakakaka !